Panties and socks

Fetiches 55 visualizações ID: 46


Hello. I'm an adult woman who lives in Lisbon and sells women's underwear and socks that I use at home and on the street for as long as I think it's necessary. I do it because this type of activity gives me pleasure and excites me. I have several types of underwear available. I have the models in the photos and also thongs, strings and boxers. I am a very talkative person. I am friendly and will be available to answer any questions. I also have women's clothing of different sizes and some content for sale. I make packs. I deliver the underwear/socks by hand only in the center of lisbon. I can chat via skype or whatsapp. Thank you for reading my ad and if something has aroused your interest in it, it will undoub...


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38.71667, -9.13333
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Margarida Costa
Margarida Costa
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